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New Map Features For DB Views

There are two new exciting features for displaying data on a map: 1) single-location map, and 2) multiple-location map.

Single-Location Map

single-location map
Let's say you have a business directory page on your site, with businesses listed one after the other on the page. Wouldn't it be nice to have a small map appear next to each business with a pin on the map indicating the location of the business? And wouldn't it also be nice to click on the details link for a business and see a much larger map along with the other business details (see photo above)?

Well now you can. There is a new database field type called "single-location map". Basically, it takes an address and automatically plots it on a Google map. Email support for instructions for setting it up if you're interested.

Multiple-Location Map

multiple-location mapUp until now, you had four layouts with which to display your database data: 1) grid view, 2) list view, 3) slider, and 4) calendar. Now there is a fifth view. The only requirement is that the database table must have a field that contains addresses. A single Google map will be automatically displayed with all the records pinned on the map (not to be confused with single-location maps above). And just like with the other layouts, you can select which other fields (if any) are displayed in the map popup when the pics are clicked. And you can also include a details link to a detail page, just like the other layouts.

To access this new layout, go to "manage sites"=>"edit database" and click the "views" icon for the desired table. Then either create a new view or click on an existing one to edit it. You'll see the new feature under the layouts section. Or simply email support and we'll help you through it.


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