New Twitter widget
Adding tweets to your website used to be easy because Twitter used to offer data feeds that a simple front-end script could access and display on your site. However, Twitter removed that ability and put the data behind an authentication wall, rendering most of those widgets useless. They do offer a free widget that you can copy and paste into your site that displays tweets, but it's very limited in how you can customize it to match your site. For example, it only comes in a light and dark theme (no colors), it's unusually large, and it doesn't offer a compact one-tweet-at-a-time option.
To address these shortcomings, we're happy to announce our latest addition to the snippets family and our premium productivity tools suite. You can find the new widget in the editMode toolbar under the snippets button. You can customize the style (one-at-a-time vs list), the number of tweets, whether images are included, and the amount of seconds between tweets (for the inline format).
If you haven't already authenticated with Twitter you'll be prompted to log in. Once that's done, you're good to go!