Improved Payments ModuleThe payments flow has been updated to offer a better experience and the latest Stripe full article »Dec 14, 2020 by supportCategories: changelog
Export invoices to QuickbooksSync your ecommerce invoices with Quickbooks by exporting to a compatible full article »Dec 2, 2020 by supportCategories: changelog
Event registration updatesRegistrants are now prevented from mistakenly registering twice for the same event. And we've improved the payment processing full article »Dec 2, 2020 by supportCategories: changelog
Easily cancel events or convert to webcastCOVID-19 has forced events to be cancelled, postponed, or moved online, and we've made it easy to do full article »Mar 19, 2020 by supportCategories: changelog
Event registration lookupThere's now an easy way for attendees to look up registration details if they lose their confirmation full article »Mar 13, 2020 by supportCategories: changelog