New "Address" Database Field TypeThe new Address field type cleans up address presentation, ensures valid address data, and captures geographic coordinates to ease the burden of full article »Apr 3, 2015 by supportCategories: changelog
One-Step Subscription SetupThe member account creation form and subscription selection have been merged into a single full article »Apr 3, 2015 by supportCategories: changelog
Salvage Abandoned Subscription AttemptsRecoup abandoned account subscription creations with a unique full article »Apr 29, 2014 by supportCategories: changelog
New Map Features For DB ViewsDynamically display data on a map with these two new full article »Feb 18, 2014 by supportCategories: changelog
Redirect Form to Landing PageThere is a new action for what happens upon a successful form submission. When a user submits a form on your site, you can nowread full article »Jan 13, 2014 by supportCategories: changelog